Mejl från Holland
Fick idag mejl från Baukje i Holland som var den som hade Lorett där då hon fick två föl. Har ju mejlat ganska mycket med henne under åren, och nu blev det lite igen då jag haft lite frågor om Loretts förra dräktighet. Bl a har jag ju fått reda på att Lorett klarat båda fölningarna själv och varit en supermamma. Även fått reda på att hon tog sig vid första inseminationen med båda de fölen, precis som hon gjort nu. Men jag ville gärna veta lite om hon gött över tiden, när på dygnet hon fölat, etc då det visst är vanligt att hästar gör likadant igen. Fick svar på detta idag. Så här skrev hon i brevet, och jag har redan svarat henne att jag vill veta mer!!
Hai Hai,
fantastic, congratulations with de pregnancy of Lorette!!!!
Lorette is very sweet at her pregnancy you can ride her almost till the end, unless she became to fat.... her first foal is born on daytime and her second foal is born at night.... so you had al 50/50 chance when she gave birth, her first foal became 1 week over time and her second foal became almost 4 weeks to early (but that had a reason....., did I have told you that I've had her for a wagon.... then we had an accident that wasn't our fault and that's the reason why she give 4 weeks too soon birth at her son....)
I hope I have told you everthing, and otherwhise you may ask me everything!!!!
Greetz Baukje"
Lorette is very sweet at her pregnancy you can ride her almost till the end, unless she became to fat.... her first foal is born on daytime and her second foal is born at night.... so you had al 50/50 chance when she gave birth, her first foal became 1 week over time and her second foal became almost 4 weeks to early (but that had a reason....., did I have told you that I've had her for a wagon.... then we had an accident that wasn't our fault and that's the reason why she give 4 weeks too soon birth at her son....)
I hope I have told you everthing, and otherwhise you may ask me everything!!!!
Greetz Baukje"
